Im biting the bullet
Im biting the bullet

I don’t co-sleep, only on occasion if baby is sick etc and needs the comfort.

#Im biting the bullet how to

i guess im wondering: has anyone coslept and successfully transitioned baby back to bassinet and/or crib after so many months? like after 6 months (I've read 6 months is when babies start learning how to self soothe)? how did you do it? I don't want to cosleep forever but I know that this is what he needs/wants and I know that the one thing everyone says to accommodate baby. I've done the research to know that it's natural and that in several countries cosleeping is normal and it seems the nursing to sleep is also frequently practiced. i can't just let baby cry and be miserable. same with nursing to sleep- I try to offer the pacifier and try music, rocking, patting, shushing, etc. even though I'm not happy that we have resorted to cosleeping, I don't know what other option we have. I feel sort of guilty/shameful/etc for it and our parents have started to make me feel that way too. honestly I'm not entirely happy with this arrangement because I wanted to avoid it and I feel not great about it. but he's also been nursing to sleep too, which I've had different nurses give different opinions on (one said let him, another said avoid it.?). we've been doing it for about a week now and honestly it really has made life so much easier. baby gets the sleep and comfort he needs, and we get the sleep we need to function. however, my husband and I discussed it and decided cosleeping would be best for all of us. I really was apprehensive about cosleeping-i didn't want to do it at all because I don't want us cosleeping to become a bigger problem down the road. my friend recommend doing cosleeping with the safe 7 to make life easier for all of us. I have tried abd continue to try several things over and over to successfully lay him in his bassinet for naps and nighttime with no success. swaddling frustrates him, he wants to nurse to sleep, and won't sleep unless he's held/with me.

im biting the bullet

the last 3 weeks however it's basically a 180. My baby is just over 6 weeks old and for the first 3 weeks he did amazing sleeping in his bassinet, being swaddled, going to sleep with rocking and patting.

Im biting the bullet